Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Yep-I said it...w i n e.....

OK_ so what do bees and wine have to do with one another?
Bees like grapevines, and I like wine... and bees....(heehee).
Another way to put it is "the more bees you have visiting the grapevine, the more grapes there will be; the more grapes, the more wine...get it????

So tonight my hubby and i started "brewing" some wine from the grapes at the beeyard. We didn't use our feet, mainly because we didn't have a vat...but we did get those grapes popped and all mixed up with the sugar and yeast....we'll see how THAT venture goes.

Ought to be ready to bottle by the next full moon.....

;0) I feel a camping trip in the making!! ;0)

till next time, bee kind!!

1 comment:

  1. I was waiting for a reference to Honey Mead.


    But bees pollinating the grape vines works too. Great Blog!
