Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's here!!!!

It's been a lovely weekend.
Almost frost on the pumpkin Friday morning....first fire in the fireplace and home-made Brunswick stew...and Then, today, mid-seventies, with the most gorgeous autummmmmn sky.  I close my eyes and breathe in the season...mmmmm

OK...back to reality.

 Harvested the honey this weekend...(my first ever!!)
did ya hear that?

Harvested the honey this weekend!!!

Thankful for the electric decapping removes the caps from the honey cells to allow the honey to flow fly out. The honey flies out, because we spin it around in an extractor at the speed of sound  a very fast rate, and by centrifugal force, the honey spins out into a huge "tub'...sort of....anyway, I should have taken a picture of the manual extractor at work...we had a 'slanging' good time.
After the honey exited the extractor, through a double veryfinesieve, it fell into a bucket with a "honey gate"...I especially like the honey-gate.
It's kinda too late to get into all that, since I have to be at work in a quick 7.5 hours!!

from the flower //to the bee //to the hive---from the the the this bucket
to the bottle to the tongue of grateful souls!! ;0)

DD gets in on the action. His help is invaluable!!

Very thankful for the harvest, albeit a small one.  More thankful for so many other blessings.
It's been a lovely weekend!!

bee kind to one another!!


  1. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Love the picture, Love the process, Love honey, LOVE YOU!!!!!

    i am so happy and excited for you AND proud!!!!! You rock.


  2. I love, love, love this, too! So beautiful to see!!

    WOW! You're bona fide!! Can't wait to taste me some of that honey. Mmmm-mmm.

    Love YOU!!!
