Sunday, October 8, 2017

Time really does fly!

My daddy used to say that "the days drag by and the years fly by"
....I cannot believe it has been  more than 2.5 years since I posted. Who would be reading this anyway? Since no one has missed it, and no lives (or livelihood)  were dependent on my posting, I'm not so worried anyway {insert smiley face.}

I STILL have only one hive--still in my driveway--still only minimally managing it...if that is what you want to call it.
Since my move from bedside nursing (3 X 12hr shifts per week) to a role I'm in that requires a 5-day (sometimes more) work-week, I don't have so much free time for my beloved honeybees.

The SOWEGA BEEKEEPERS CLUB that Dick Grebel & I started almost 7 years ago is doing well, and serves as a resource to area beekeepers--both beginners and experienced folks alike. I regret I am unable to be an active part of the club anymore because of my schedule, but love that there are reports of 'goodness' from the members.

I harvested honey in June of this year--but it is all in a 5-gallon bucket in my house, yet to be bottled. There are still people at work who ask if I have any for sale, but the last 2 seasons of harvest brought me honey that crystallized very quickly--not a very "pretty" product, but still tastes good to me, so I have been selfishly using it. I haven't even checked my harvest to see if it is still liquid or not. Maybe there will be time before Christmas so my very favorite folks will benefit. ({You know who you are}).

I DID try to split my hive at the appropriate time this year, but the effort was not successful. So....I still have the Justin hive....strapped with a ratchet and tie leftover from the Irma threat in September.

I will start feeding soon. We have an abundance of Golden Rod blooming now, and temps in the 80's & much humidity. Still, my active hive is a "welcome home" sign to me each day I get in from my real job....

Basically just checking in.

Until next time,
bee kind,

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