Friday, December 24, 2010

O Holy Night!

Truly, He taught us to love one another--His law is love and His gospel is p.e.a.c.e....

Chains He shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in His name, all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With ALL our hearts we praise His holy name!!!

Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more procaim!

* * * * *

And we have seen, and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world!!
I John 4:14

Monday, December 13, 2010

This is an intermittent post...haha

Just thought I'd grab your attention....did I spell intermittent correctly???

If you've seen my feeble attempt at posting for 30 consecutive days, you've seen that I've failed will try ONE MORE TIME..after the new year has arrived. I figured by 1/11/11 I should have my head on straight and be able to successfully post for 30 straight till then..intermittent posts!

BUT, if I fail yet again, it will just prove my persistence in trying. (Doesn't necessarily mean my head is not on straight, mind you!)

This afternoon I witnessed a new kind of birth. There were 6 of us gathered around a table in the conference room of the Dougherty County Ag- Extension Agents' office. We hashed out the By-laws of our "yet-to-be-named" Bee Club. If you are NOT a beekeeper, you probably just laughed a little out loud..if you ARE a beekeeper, you are saying "hooray-- another club is born..we will have a better world soon!!" (NOW is the time to laugh!!)

It is exciting to me to be "in on the bottom board" of the beginning of this hopefully-excellent resource for area beekeepers.

So, while my bees are eating up their sugar syrup, keeping warm in this freezing weather, I am cheering them on to stay alive so we will have another good year!!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day # 28 My windows are naked!!

When the contractor told us "we would not know" our house when he fininshed with it, I have to admit--I shuttered--

Shuttered because we are getting new windows---other wise I would have said "shuddered" (get it??)


Seven of the nineteen windows are in, and I cannot wait to see if I can really recognize my house when he is finished...I hope you all can find your way back here!! ;0)

Right now, there are no window treatments on the windows and I feel like I'm living in a fishbowl....a COLD fishbowl.... I don't like to swim in warm weather--much less cold...

But soon the house will be wrapped in energy efficient-double-paned-new windows.

Celebrate with me!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day # 29 Baby, it's COLD outside!!

It's 29 degrees here in south Georgia, and I mean, it is COLD outside...I just keep humming 'let it snow let it snow let it snow" to no one in particular...mostly because the song starts out with the 'frightful weather' bit.

We are in the process of saying goodbye to 38-year-old windows, replacing them with windows that keep the cold out. YAY!! I am thrilled that when the spring time gets here, we will be able to open all the windows in the house if we want to, because none of them will be stuck together, and all will have screens. I am hoping more for a long springtime than a white Christmas!!

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas-- in our town, anyway...Perhaps we'll get a tree up THIS weekend.....we haven't waited this late to decorate in many years. I'm really OK with it. The reason for the season doesn't lie in the beauty of ornaments, but the 'ornaments of our house are the friends and family that decorate it'

Yea, that's the spirit!!

sweet dreams!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day # 30 Whew!! I thought it would never happen!!


Well, after two attempts at continuously bloggging for 30 days in a row, I thought perhaps I was just not approaching it the right way...perhaps I should just count the days down, instead of count the days

Today is day number 30...

I'll just mention that sometimes a hug is all that is less....

For every negative /'bad luck' thing there is, there are at least two positives....

I am glad to be able to hug--makes me think of an old ditty:

I love you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a bushel and a peck.......................
a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm good night!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 12: Is it REALLY December???

Well, just like airplanes and bluebirds, TIME is taking to the just keeps on flying around...and around....and around....I cannot believe it is already December!!

My 5th grandchild will be born this month. I am so excited!! I cannot wait to take to the air myself, and see the newest grandbaby! All in 'due' time...get it?? due time? ;0)

Now it is time to rest for a moment...having finished the third 12-hour shift in as many days, my legs are ready to sleep--with the rest of me, of course.

Just one more load of laundry in the dryer, and I'm 'outta here'.

Sweet dreams! And I'll see you in the morning!! ;0) (You know who you are!)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day #11 What's in a name?

Craziest thing these days....people at work are calling me the"bee lady" and asking all kinds of questions regarding honeybees. I just love it!!

Nevermind, I have not been a beekeeper a full year yet and never mind I only have 2 hives, and nevermind my bees had no surplus honey to share with me this year....My picture has been in the local newspaper and my talking self on the local TV news, so there you have it: I'm a bee lady.

When the anesthesiologists I work with tell my patients "you are going to feel a bee sting" when they inject the local anesthetic --I ask them if they've ever been stung by a bee, or was it REALLY a wasp or yellow jacket...because...after all, honeybees are not hostile insects (unless you are trying to take what is theirs...) (I'm trying to 'take up for' the bees!!)

I'd be pretty darn hostile too if you try to take what is MINE....just ask me for it OK???

So, yes, I do talk to my bees--all 60,000 of them--collectively , of course. I like for them to know my voice, and bee glad I'm there. Is this ridiculously silly? Yes, I do beelieve it is....but I can pretend they are grateful for the mansion they live in, or the sugar-water I make especially for them since there are not many flowers blooming--haven't heard of a 'winter nectar-flow' in these parts. I am hopeful that next summer will be a banner year for honey aand that my bees make it through the winter to enjoy the summer!!

What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and honey by any other name would taste as sweet! I don't mind being called the 'bee lady' 'cause I know who I really am!! ;0)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day # 10 emptiness

I have absolutely nothing to write about. This makes me think of a "creative writing" class I had in high scholl, in which the teacher's assignment was to just write...We all had spiral notebooks--some flashed brightly colored ones---in which we would make daily entries. We could not JUST SIT THERE....we had to write, whether or not we had a story to tell.

You know, some people talk like that...they just talk whether or not they have something to say...and some folks shop like that--whether or not they have a shopping-mission.....(I HAVE to have a mission when I shop....although I don't always 'stick' to it...sometimes I start out on one mission then switch over to another one!)

When I think about the millions upon millions of people on the face of the Earth today, each one has a story...the cashier at the grocery store has a story, as do the meter-reader lady, the receptionist at the doctor's office, the baby-sitter, the fellow who is jogging down the street, or sits in his recliner in front of the TV set at the end of the day.. (Is it still called a TV set)?

We ALL share something is common...a sort of blank notebook to write our story...a beating heart...the ability to smile...or not....

I think it is pretty cool that God already knows what our story is...and loves us just the more no less.

What's your story, morning glory?
