Saturday, February 5, 2011

veinte y seis

when one asks, "is 'i-n-f-a-m-y' the way to spell 'infamy'?", just know it has been quite a day...quite a good day.

'Perspective' is so relevant , i just have to remind myself: When you hold a rock right in front of your eye, it blocks out everything else; when you hold a rock at arm's length, it is fairly prominent; when you put the rock on the ground, where if belongs, you are able to see the beauty--rock included--of all around.

what a sweet day....

sweet dreams!!



  1. i like this!!! and i LOVE you!!! bzzz

  2. And I know who needed to spell "infamy," and where!

  3. My code word to publish was "petossen"...made me think of you! ;)
