Saturday, January 15, 2011

numero cinco

well, I am not believeing this.....

I have just spent 20 minutes writing.....typing...keyboarding a post about resolutions and such, and must have 'hit the wrong' key....looked up on the computer screen and saw a note to me asking if I wanted to navigate from this page....startled...I hit cancel....thinking I would resume the aforementioned text and complete a splendid--just-in-time post, when it all disappeared.

I'm thinking...guess nobody needed to hear all that anyway...just as no one needs to hear this either!

Just the same, I've made it 5 days in a row now....

Happy Saturday!!



  1. bzzzzz! youre the greatest. i miss you.

    ...and i would have loved to hear your resolutions!!! ;)

  2. If you click Dashboard up in the top right hand corner of Blogger (sign in if you aren't) then click edit posts- you should be able to find it. The great thing about Blogger is that it saves your work before you do!


  3. Yeah! I'm glad Michele pointed that out. I want to hear your resolutions, too.
