Tuesday, January 25, 2011

numero quince: half-way there if the last 2 days may count?

Well, here is the REAL story--why the last two days' posts are only in the subject matter: I had no computer access, and could only use a cell phone.

Not MY cell phone, but 2 different cell phones....except ONE of the cell phones is very smart...very...very ...smart--somehow even knew there should be an accent in one of the words...

How can a phone be so smart as to know (without my ever explaining to it) there should be an accent...so--kudos to K's smart phone--the "K" not being me, either!!

It was a quick trip to the ATL that afforded me the opportunity to love on Cham-Cham, instead of post a meaningless blog from home. I'll trade that, any day? Wouldn't you?

I'm hoping to make it to the other "A-town" before too long. Missing my peeps!!

that's all for now!!


  1. SO. STINKIN'. JEALOUS. Did you go up there to babysit? Just to BABYSIT?!? I'm going to do something drastic.

    Love you! And I am laughing about the accents...

  2. No---not JUST to babysit. Daddy had a couple meetings, and I was 'off'..so I went along for the ride!! ;00
