Sunday, January 30, 2011

Numero Veinte!

Yes, I know I put the wrong "numero" on the title of the last was STILL my 19th post, and I am STILL (Lord-willing) going to make it to thirty.......thirty consecutive posts.

Then what? Who will mail me my trophy? Where will my certificate be printed, and which bank will I draw the prize money from?


No prize?

I am two-thirds the way through this game, and there is NO PRIZE?

ok ok ok

The prize will be that I actually accomplished something. I accomplish something every day, though. Why will posting 30 days in a row make me feel better than the myriad of other items I accomplish each day? (or will it? and if not, why am I doing it?)

So many questions. It would seem the older one gets, the less questions and MORE answers one has; I just have more and more

When will baby "B" be here? I want to see his/her sweet little face and feel his/her breath on my nose!! ;0)

Why was there only one dinner plate in my FULL dishwasher when I unloaded it last Friday night?

When is someone going to pick up the BBQ grills we put in the alley?

Why am I so fascinated by the phases of the moon? (9% Full tonight...waning crescent)

Where deos the red-tailed hawk (that we see every time we pull into Dry Creek Farm) live?

Who invented the chiming clock?

Why do I love to sew? take pictures? camp out?

What makes some people so negative and others so positive?

Does God call ALL of us? everyone? What makes some hear Him, and others not know how much He REALLY loves? Why can't/don't we all see?

Oh well. Time to call it a night.

Getting ready for another 3-in-a-row-12-hour-shift-days....

thank you Lord for a job I love.


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