Monday, January 31, 2011

numero veinte y uno!

"A horse is a horse of course of course, unless of course the horse of course, is the famous Mr. Ed..."

I doubt that any of you have instant recall of where that little ditty came from.

How about this one?

"Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy...a kid'll eat ivy too, wouldn't you?"

I cannot read either of those lines without singing them....isn't it funny how music evokes memories?

I started crying Sunday morning when I heard "Peace Like A river" (for the umpteenth time) was the "When peace like a river attendeth my way....." one, not the "I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river in my soul...." one. I would be willing to bet a Krispy Kreme dough-nut you sang those two songs as your read them....

...or you are thinking..."that's not 'Peace Like a River'", it is "It is Well with my soul"...

well, whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is is well, with my soul.

sweet dreams, yall ;0)


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Numero Veinte!

Yes, I know I put the wrong "numero" on the title of the last was STILL my 19th post, and I am STILL (Lord-willing) going to make it to thirty.......thirty consecutive posts.

Then what? Who will mail me my trophy? Where will my certificate be printed, and which bank will I draw the prize money from?


No prize?

I am two-thirds the way through this game, and there is NO PRIZE?

ok ok ok

The prize will be that I actually accomplished something. I accomplish something every day, though. Why will posting 30 days in a row make me feel better than the myriad of other items I accomplish each day? (or will it? and if not, why am I doing it?)

So many questions. It would seem the older one gets, the less questions and MORE answers one has; I just have more and more

When will baby "B" be here? I want to see his/her sweet little face and feel his/her breath on my nose!! ;0)

Why was there only one dinner plate in my FULL dishwasher when I unloaded it last Friday night?

When is someone going to pick up the BBQ grills we put in the alley?

Why am I so fascinated by the phases of the moon? (9% Full tonight...waning crescent)

Where deos the red-tailed hawk (that we see every time we pull into Dry Creek Farm) live?

Who invented the chiming clock?

Why do I love to sew? take pictures? camp out?

What makes some people so negative and others so positive?

Does God call ALL of us? everyone? What makes some hear Him, and others not know how much He REALLY loves? Why can't/don't we all see?

Oh well. Time to call it a night.

Getting ready for another 3-in-a-row-12-hour-shift-days....

thank you Lord for a job I love.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

numero to see the wizard!

not really....

Off to have a warm-sun-run-and-have-fun kind of day...

It's 70 degrees!!!

I was able to visit my sweet Italians this morning, both colonies doing well, and graciously thanked me for the extra sugar syrup.

"Don't bother" I told them...just repay with honey in the fall!!

Hope your Saturday is a sweet adn smiley sort of day!!


Friday, January 28, 2011

diez y ocho: ooops!!

I have been having so much fun looking at the Potery Barns' line of 'bee beeding' that I ALMOST let the day slip by without a post.

STILL I don't have much to say. I remember the year I stopped watching much TV. I stopped because someone in my house becme the proud owner of a television WITH a remote control...that pretty well ended my sitting in front of the TV for 2.5 hours every night after supper. I would get interested in a story line and teh "remo-man" woudl change teh station....again and again....

I knew then the TV wasn't worth spending my time in front of it. (Is THAT gramatically correct?)
Time is too precious to be spent in front of the TV.

Now there is a huge TV sharing a room with the pool table...complete with remote!!
I hear the clock striking midnight adn I am running like Cinderella!!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

diez y siete....I am tired

A day in the life of this nurse:

alarm clock chiming too early

beautiful babies coming into the world

breakfast for lunch and cereal for supper

difference in day and night


the coffee pot set to go
remembering to set the alarm for another day in the life...............

loving the memory foam

sweet dreams

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

numero diez y seis

whoa....I cannot remember the last time I had 2...two...margaritas....before tonight, that is!!

How do I post anything interesting after working a 12-hour shift,then going out to eat with friends...only margaritas to sweet water.

I cannot believe what is funny when in the company of Margaritas....and friends.....

Laughter doeth the heart good, like merry medicine.


long over due.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

numero quince: half-way there if the last 2 days may count?

Well, here is the REAL story--why the last two days' posts are only in the subject matter: I had no computer access, and could only use a cell phone.

Not MY cell phone, but 2 different cell phones....except ONE of the cell phones is very smart...very...very even knew there should be an accent in one of the words...

How can a phone be so smart as to know (without my ever explaining to it) there should be an to K's smart phone--the "K" not being me, either!!

It was a quick trip to the ATL that afforded me the opportunity to love on Cham-Cham, instead of post a meaningless blog from home. I'll trade that, any day? Wouldn't you?

I'm hoping to make it to the other "A-town" before too long. Missing my peeps!!

that's all for now!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

numero doce

Well, the pistacio pudding is all gone now....the last of the dessert from dinner last night.
Good friends, home-made Brunswick stew and smiles make for happy times.
I am thankful for neighbors!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

numero once......

So many good coals left in the fireplace, but not enough night left to enjoy them....

.................................we'll just put another log on the fire anyway and see what the night brings...........

I hear the fire crackling from here.

Good thing we don't have t go to work tmorrow!!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

numero diez........Lo recomiendo a todos!!

oooo lala
a one hour massage is
vedi vedi nize......

I feel like I should be speaking a different language when i say that, because I was definitely in another world for about 56 minutes this morning.

It started on my back and worked its way around to my shoulders and way of the arms, legs, feet and fingers, mind was a gift of touch, so 'just right' that I almost cried at one point.

The music was so soothing--I could have lay there just listening, soaking in the candlelight and smooth tones of guitar and piano one moment, soft horn and keyboards the next, music swelling and retreating in cadence with the 'gift'.

Then it was over. I didn't want to move. I dreamed of having a massage table somewhere in my how could the ironing board be turned into a massage table, or better yet---how many empty coffee containers would it take to make one? ;0)

the clocks strike ten....the fridge hums......the keyboard chatters away, all telling me it is time to go to sleep.....

good thing coffee containers don't talk!! ;0)


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

numero nueve

thirty consecutive posts.....I never knew I was so dull.......

tomorrow I "cash in" on a birthday gift from last summer....a one-hour massage....

I've never had a one-hour massage. I think I would like to listen to my ipod...

I KNEW after 3-12's, the massage would be nice....I'll let you know on numero diez


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Numero Ocho...or is it oucho?

I am curious about what we are going to do with so many empty plastic coffee containers. I "saved" them at first because I can't stand just throwing away perfectly good containers...but folks...I drink alot of coffee and have no shortage of coffee containers.

I have sent them out to the "man cave" my husband calls his "little house". The red plastic containers hold screws and wire and various other hardware items that he can always seem to find just when he needs them.

I have been known to line them up to catch the rain dripping off the roof. I have actually held the containers under the rain spout to catch the water and dump the water into larger buckets. This way, I can pretend I'm saving the world, by saving the water!! There are 2 buckets and a red container of water still under the carport...waiting for a dry day in the springtime...

In the mean time, I'm still drinking coffee, and toting the red containers to the farm, so we can catch rain water there--and hold spare nails and pick up little pieces of rusted metal from the earth, when I see it. I know one day I'll have so many coffee containers I'll be thinking, "what can I build with these"??? Can I build a bridge? Can I build a 'teepee'? Can I build a tree house?

If you ever get a package in the mail, and it has a peculiarly round shape--say--like a coffee container, don't be afraid of it. Just close your eyes---hold it close to your face--take in a deep breath and know you too will soon have your own special arabica-fragranced all purpose container!

Yep--I love you that much and more!! more '12' for this week!!....


Monday, January 17, 2011

numero siete

Yall know I am going to get good at this if you keep helping me!!

So this will be the experiment of the night...if this blog just STOPS mid-thought, it is because I just tried and tried and got too tired to is post nombre de sept.

All I am sayin' is give peace a chance........beatles.........beees...........get it?

ok...after 25 minutes..i'm quitting now.....I'll practice another day when I don't have to go to work so early in the morning.":(

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Numero seis

First: JMB--you're a genius!! I did not even KNOW about the page that would save my the one I started last night did not POOF into thin air after all...and I thank you!

Second: I am not going to post it--I'll just put it in the freezer till I don't have time, then pull it out--nuke it--and voila--stay on task!! ;0) (If you followed that, well, GOOD JOB!!)

Yall teach me another thing, willl you? Yall post links on your blogs--like nbg just put "mom" and you could highlight "mom" and it would be a direct link to MY do yall do that?

I was gonna comment on the really neat web-site I found with gobbbbbzzzz of bee-realted stuff, but I only know how to put the link on here..I WANTED to put the cute.."give bees a chance" on the blog, but don't know how.

So..tutorial pleeez!!

In the mean time, check out the site--and ooooo and aaaahhhhh the cutest "peace" mug there is!!

Give Bees a Chance Mug > Give Bees a Chance > BeeGeek Online Store


Saturday, January 15, 2011

numero cinco

well, I am not believeing this.....

I have just spent 20 minutes writing.....typing...keyboarding a post about resolutions and such, and must have 'hit the wrong' key....looked up on the computer screen and saw a note to me asking if I wanted to navigate from this page....startled...I hit cancel....thinking I would resume the aforementioned text and complete a splendid--just-in-time post, when it all disappeared.

I'm thinking...guess nobody needed to hear all that anyway...just as no one needs to hear this either!

Just the same, I've made it 5 days in a row now....

Happy Saturday!!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Numero Cuatro!

Numero Cuatro will never be the same, since Cuatro is the name my unborn 5th grandchild had till we could see 'she' was a 'she'--at delivery!! Now she has a much niftier name.... ;0) and lots of hair too!!

Once again, after a 12- hour shift, not much to divulge...except maybe that I'm super-excited that there is so much interest in a bee keeper's club in our area!! We had over 30 people show up and more emailed me today after the front-page newspaper article came out!! ;0) Nice...

Have a sweet evening.

I'm beat!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Numero Tres

I am having an ocular migraine as I 'keyboard' this...(I'm saying keyboard because I don't know if it is correct to use the term 'typing' when there are no more typewriters around.)

If you have never had an ocular migraine, let me try to describe it to you.

There is no pain at all. I know it is about to start when I am missing a part of my field of vision. When we got home from the beekeepers meeting, I noticed I could not read one of the headlines in the newspaper because some letters were 'whited out' as if a cloud was moving over the page...everywhere I turned my head, a blob of white occluded a part of the words...then it started to grow, except the white turned into a 'band of vibrant fluorescent colors-like that of a merited soldier's bar just above the pocket. the colors dance and vibrate in my field of vision and it is QUITE disconcerting.

I ate my bowl of granola with my eyes closed...closing my eyes does NOT 'do away' with the band of colors gyrating . Closing my eyes just lets me see the colors and the shape of the thing clearly.

The first time this happened to me, I went to the eye doctor who explained that it was an ocular migraine. It lasted a couple of hours. I was at work. It has happened three or four times since then---a span of 13-14 years. One time it only lasted 15 minutes.....

and wouldn't you know it--this one is gone now...lasted only 30 minutes!!


I hope this is as close to an ocular migraine as you ever get!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Numero Dos

Well, the posts after a 12-hour shift are merely posts for posting sakes...not much depth and not much happening.

In other news:

I really hate it when I can't make everybody happy, but that is virtually impossible. So I need to do my reality check, weigh what is the best for the most in the long run, and go with it.

and be thankful in all circumstances

and laugh when it's appropriate and cry likewise

and remember the good

and forgive the rest

and above all else,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year!!

WOW! How did it get to be 1....11....11.. so fast? I remember as if yesterday, the hope to finish the "30-posts-in-30-days" challenge exteneded by one of my daughters.....

(I said I would start over 1/11/11, thinking I had plenty of time to psyche myself up for it)

post number one:

Did you know Robert's Rules of Order was first published by Henry Martyn Robert, and originally derived from practices in the English Parliament? Me neither...till I started reading the book, prepping for the first Bee Club meeting THIS THURSDAY.

Rowdy group--those beekeepers--


I'm just kidding!!

buzzin' off now!!