This is the 9th consecutive day I have posted.
I am exhausted, but not as angry as I was yesterday.
So, now I smile.
My foot is better...my children (and theirs) have a roof over their heads, and food to eat.
Uh-oh--I forgot to make bee syrup today. I should do it NOW before my bees run out. It wil be cold this weekend and the bees will be tightly clustered-they've worked all summer for the stores of honey and pollen to carry them through....I'll just help them with a little syrup--or as much as they need!!
Yall have a sweet tomorrow, ya hear?!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Good 'Ole Days
Once upon a time, no one locked their doors.
At least that is what I am told. I KNOW there was a time when I did not lock
my car door everytime I got out. Who in their right mind would take something from someone else's car?
I lock my car door even in my own carport, because there is rampant theivery around here.
In days gone by, we trusted people we did not even know. There seems to be a shift from 'trust everyone' to 'trust no one'. How did this happen?
AS angry as I get at injustices all around, I am reminded that God is supreme...He is in control.
These are the good old days. These days are all we have...can't change the past--can only change the future by what we do today...the present. What do we do with these days? Do we make them "the good old days" for those we leave behind?
What is the best way to do that?
I think, by removing the locks on our minds and hearts, and by
more, these days will be remembered as the good old days....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hot Water!
Day # 7 I am curious where the expression "to be in hot water" came from. My feet are in hot water right now...literally...I have them soaking in hot water with Epsom salt...right here under the desk where my computer is.
I did this earlier today, and it seemed to help my sad, sore foot. So, Epsom salt it is for me, right now.
I guess there is any number of things, that when placed in hot water, don't fare so well...like lobsters and crabs, like carrots and peas, and eggs--and coffee beans--wait a minute. Hot water and coffee beans seem to be my fav combo right now--except the most profitable for me is hot water and epsom salt. I think it is funny that Epsom salt is really something called magnesium sulfate...which is something we, in Labor and Delivery use to stop preterm labor. I am on a "mag soak" instead of a Mag drip....(only L&D nurses would find that funny).
Well, it is that time of night when I think I am funny, but I'm not REALLY funny at all, so I think I will "hit the hay" now....................................................................................................................
good night yall---and stay out of hot water, unless it will help you!!
I did this earlier today, and it seemed to help my sad, sore foot. So, Epsom salt it is for me, right now.
I guess there is any number of things, that when placed in hot water, don't fare so well...like lobsters and crabs, like carrots and peas, and eggs--and coffee beans--wait a minute. Hot water and coffee beans seem to be my fav combo right now--except the most profitable for me is hot water and epsom salt. I think it is funny that Epsom salt is really something called magnesium sulfate...which is something we, in Labor and Delivery use to stop preterm labor. I am on a "mag soak" instead of a Mag drip....(only L&D nurses would find that funny).
Well, it is that time of night when I think I am funny, but I'm not REALLY funny at all, so I think I will "hit the hay" now....................................................................................................................
good night yall---and stay out of hot water, unless it will help you!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Day #6 Shuffling the topics!!
Well, I changed my mind to "shuffle the topics", and here is why:
Day # 6 on the first list is--
"A picture of something that makes you happy"
So, the secret is out--honeybees make me happy.
The particular honeybee in my photo is 'on' my broccoli I let go to seed.
I took the photo in March of this year...before I had beehives.
When I think about all the work honeybees do, and how thousands and thousands of them work together,
I wonder why can't so-called normal folk can't do it?
It does make me happy when people CAN and DO work together....
no complaining.....
really helping each other.....
like tonight with the dinner prep and clean-up...
all done!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Day #5 Shuffle
I have been shuffling around at work all day today...I think a bone in my right foot might be broken...snagged the 'pinkie' toe on the 'fridge Wednesday night, and the color purple is blended with blues just under the surface of my skin.Ouch!!
Speaking of shuffling....what are the first 10 songs on your ipod>shuffle-mode?
Here are mine this time around:
1. "Holy" (Nichole Nordeman)
2. "Immanuel" Amy Grant's Christmas Album...an old favorite!!
3. "Language or the Kiss" Indigo Girls
4. "Watershed " Indigo Girls
5. "Just Like a Woman" Bob Dylan
6. "For Emily,Whenever I May Find Her" Simon and Garfunkel
7. "I Try" Macy Gray
8. "Every Time You See Me Cry" John Elefante
9. "Waltz of the Flowers" Tchaikovsky
10. "1 2 3 [Studio Version]" Indigo Girls
Interesting to me - I rarely listen to Indigo Girls anymore, but Nichole Nordeman is a 'staple'....
next up:
Shuffle the cards!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Day # 4
................From the Fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another..........
Wow! As traditional as it is, Thanksgiving Day is an exciting new day every year! And, today was another beautiful day. The weather unseasonably warm for November (80-degrees) and a gentle breeze and partly clouded skies. We always have turkey and ham...sweet potato casserole and cornbread dressing to eat...other side dishes vary from year to year, but we are always so full. Still so full the pecan pie has NOT been cut into yet.
................From the Fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another..........
John 1:16
Wow! As traditional as it is, Thanksgiving Day is an exciting new day every year! And, today was another beautiful day. The weather unseasonably warm for November (80-degrees) and a gentle breeze and partly clouded skies. We always have turkey and ham...sweet potato casserole and cornbread dressing to eat...other side dishes vary from year to year, but we are always so full. Still so full the pecan pie has NOT been cut into yet.
Full. Containing all that is normal or possible...not deficient or partial...complete....
Whether I am refering to my stomach, or my life, I am full. I am full of the riches God has blessed me with...I am so very thankful.
I hope you have had a day of thanksgiving to our God, provider of life and so much more!!
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God...
Ephesians 3:19 (New Living Translation)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Day #3
The challenge is to post for 30 straight days....when I heard the clocks...all 4 of them...sing the Westminster chimes to the tune of midnight, I rushed to log-in and post Day #3...does it STILL count if I started the post at midnight???? uuuuggggghhh!!! I not very good at this!! (and good night!!)
The challenge is to post for 30 straight days....when I heard the clocks...all 4 of them...sing the Westminster chimes to the tune of midnight, I rushed to log-in and post Day #3...does it STILL count if I started the post at midnight???? uuuuggggghhh!!! I not very good at this!! (and good night!!)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Song in my Heart
Day #2 Music is so very vital!! I could not choose a favorite song for the life of me!! However, a tune that is 'rattling' 'round in my head and slipping out over my lips is a tune by Nicole Nordeman....I am a fan of Nicole Nordeman--here is just a snippet of one of her songs, that holds so true to my heart:
"I want to leave a legacy. How will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough to make a mark on things? I want to leave an offering. A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically, and leave that kind of legacy. "
Well, that is just the chorus...I am particulary struck by the line: Did I choose to love?
I hope the song in my heart is a celebration of having chosen love!!
"I want to leave a legacy. How will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough to make a mark on things? I want to leave an offering. A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically, and leave that kind of legacy. "
Well, that is just the chorus...I am particulary struck by the line: Did I choose to love?
I hope the song in my heart is a celebration of having chosen love!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmm Good!!
Day # 1: What does your house smell like, right this second?
My house smells like cornbread right now and I can almost taste sweet creamery butter dripping out of the corner of my mouth. I just took the 10" iron skillet filled with cornbread out of the oven, and the aroma of what will be dressing in a few days is mmmmm mmmm good!!
I don't get to slather it in butter, but it surely would be good...
The recipe for my cornbread dressing comes from an old acquaintance back at Campus View Church of Christ in Athens....it is never the same from year to year--I ususally do 'a little something different'. Right NOW though, the aroma of the cornbread has never been better.
I will resist the urge to sneak a piece before I get the coffee-maker ready for the morning..when a new favorite fragrance fills the kitchen, and sends me out the door to the job I love...good night!
My house smells like cornbread right now and I can almost taste sweet creamery butter dripping out of the corner of my mouth. I just took the 10" iron skillet filled with cornbread out of the oven, and the aroma of what will be dressing in a few days is mmmmm mmmm good!!
I don't get to slather it in butter, but it surely would be good...
The recipe for my cornbread dressing comes from an old acquaintance back at Campus View Church of Christ in Athens....it is never the same from year to year--I ususally do 'a little something different'. Right NOW though, the aroma of the cornbread has never been better.
I will resist the urge to sneak a piece before I get the coffee-maker ready for the morning..when a new favorite fragrance fills the kitchen, and sends me out the door to the job I love...good night!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Day # 20 Playing "Catch Up"

Whoa...didn't expect THAT one, did ya now??? I have been debating whether or not to continue my blogs in order--using the lists of one (or both!) daughters' topics, or just jump right ahead to day # 20. It really doesn't matter anyway, since I have failed the "30-day Challenge". We went out of town, and I didn't have computer access for 2 days. So, if the 'math' is correct, you have deduced that I was home in time to post at least one blog entry yesterday. Very good Watson.....I am one of those types who, when fail, just concede. Like when I was on a diet, ate the vanilla-cream-cheescake with caramel topping, and commenced to finish off the oreo cookies, croissants, and that little dab of Turtle ice cream. THAT way, there will be NO MORE desserts in the house, and I can start anew the next day...so....with all that unnecessary chatter, perhaps I will start anew with the postings...
Just to prove I CAN post 30 days in a row, tomorrow will be my new#1 and I will use any topic I choose. Is it OK to make up my own rules, since I am out of the other game?
I have started cooking for Thanksgiving...no--I have started preparing for Thanksgiving dinner. I have measured out and bagged up most of the ingredients, because it is too early to crack the eggs, but since I have to work 12-hour shifts on Tuesday and Wednesday, time is of the essence.
I dream of having all my children together again, but it won't be THIS Thanksgiving. Yet, I am deeply grateful for the love I feel, whether or not they are here. And deeply grateful they have loved ones with them where they are. Can't wait till Thursday!! ;0)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day # 16 Dream home is not a joke!!!
I'm combining my daughters' topics..kinda..sorta...
"Tell a joke" and "Dream Home" have turned into "Dream Home is not a joke"....which is true. I have dreamed of camping out often at Dry Creek farm, and now there is a 'camper' at Dry Creek to make the camping easier. I actually like tent camping, but NOT tent camping by myself...so now that the *land yacht* is in place, my sweetie and I can listen to the crickets and frogs from the comfort of a soft bed...campsite- dream -home...no joke!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Day # 15......When you grow up...
Just curious..can you teach an old dog new tricks?
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher. I did not know then, that you did not have to be in a classroom to be a teacher. As a matter of fact, I've learned things from people who did not even know I was "in their classroom"......watching. In a way, that sorta makes us ALL teachers--because someone is always watching.....
I am thinking that I probably never will really grow up--- because if I am, I would have probably done that by now, don't you?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Day # 14 ...a picture you love...

I have spent so much of my very limited time trying to find THE picture I love...but , alas, the topic is "A picture you love". This helps, because when I looked through alot of photos, there are so many I love, for so many reasons----I could not choose just the right one.
Why did I pick THIS one? mostly because I love it!! ;0)
The memories it evokes are as warm and sweet as fresh apple pie...uh.....where did THAT come from??? Oh well....
lovely, isn't it?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Day # 13 Goals
G........get to work on time in the morning
O ........occupy my thoughts with those that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely,
admirable, excellent and praiseworthy!!
A........aim to be kind
L ........Love one another......
L ........Love one another......
So, there you have it!
^^^^^I have alot of other goals, but I thought it would be cute to line it up like that ^^^^^^^
Yall have a good week, ya hear?!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Day # 12 What you believe...
I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night, a candle glows.
I believe for everyone that goes astray, someone will come to show the way--I believe....I believe.
I believe above a storm the smallest prayer can still be heard.
I believe tht Someone in the great 'somewhere', hears every word.
Everytime I hear a newborn baby cry, or touch a leaf, or see the sky--then I know why I believe........
These are the lyrics to a song I used to hear my daddy sing....I "googled"it just to see who REALLY gets the credit (cuz I know it wasn't my daddy!). I'll give them due respect now: Erwin Drake- Irvin Graham- Jimmy Shirl-Al Stillman.)
I used to love to hear my daddy sing...and see him smile...and watch him 'flirt' with my mom at the kitchen sink....even if he was a little 'tipsy' sometimes....(boy would my grandmother have a fit if she saw THAT in print!) The last thing I heard him sing was "Amazing Grace" at his church--he did a solo from the pulpit. I wonder if it was Father's Day or some other so-called "special" Sunday..I really don't remember, but I DO remember his singing....
I miss him and do believe I'll see him again in heaven.
There is a whole bunch of other stuff I believe......perhaps we can sit down and talk about it sometime.....
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night, a candle glows.
I believe for everyone that goes astray, someone will come to show the way--I believe....I believe.
I believe above a storm the smallest prayer can still be heard.
I believe tht Someone in the great 'somewhere', hears every word.
Everytime I hear a newborn baby cry, or touch a leaf, or see the sky--then I know why I believe........
These are the lyrics to a song I used to hear my daddy sing....I "googled"it just to see who REALLY gets the credit (cuz I know it wasn't my daddy!). I'll give them due respect now: Erwin Drake- Irvin Graham- Jimmy Shirl-Al Stillman.)
I used to love to hear my daddy sing...and see him smile...and watch him 'flirt' with my mom at the kitchen sink....even if he was a little 'tipsy' sometimes....(boy would my grandmother have a fit if she saw THAT in print!) The last thing I heard him sing was "Amazing Grace" at his church--he did a solo from the pulpit. I wonder if it was Father's Day or some other so-called "special" Sunday..I really don't remember, but I DO remember his singing....
I miss him and do believe I'll see him again in heaven.
There is a whole bunch of other stuff I believe......perhaps we can sit down and talk about it sometime.....
uh-oh Day # 11 con't
OK--here's the low-down...
I like Jeopardy, Law & Order, "Pickers" and several other shows--like Amazing Race, and American Idol...I just don't know how to upload a photo of them yet, and I don't watch them often enough to keep up--for example, I missed the last 3 weeks of Amazing Race, but I'm not bothered by it, and don't do the DVR thing...
So--YES, I like TV, but NO it is notso important...much rather listen to musica!! ;0)
(If I were computer saavy, I woudl insert a big smiley face here...?Natalie? you left too soon!!)
I like Jeopardy, Law & Order, "Pickers" and several other shows--like Amazing Race, and American Idol...I just don't know how to upload a photo of them yet, and I don't watch them often enough to keep up--for example, I missed the last 3 weeks of Amazing Race, but I'm not bothered by it, and don't do the DVR thing...
So--YES, I like TV, but NO it is notso important...much rather listen to musica!! ;0)
(If I were computer saavy, I woudl insert a big smiley face here...?Natalie? you left too soon!!)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Day # 11 Don't let it happen to YOU: Favorite TV shows....
If you look really hard, you can see a "wolf face" in the deer prints and grass tufts.
This is a picture I took hanging out the window of the truck, on the way home from Dry Creek Farm. You really should have seen it, because in my limited photography skills, even with a great camera, I could not do it justice. I don't know if the chill bumps I had were from the sheer beauty of the sunset, or the wind shear going 65mph with my head and camera hanging out the window....
This is a picture of a sweet little piece of land I call "baby face meadow". You would have to see the aerial view of this land to understand WHY i call it that. I like looking at it from the ground level though--except when it is under water--like it was last winter, for many, many weeks. It is beautiful, and the trees sing "day-dreaming" music soft as snuggly fleece.
Well, I obviously don't watch too much TV, (the Atlanta Braves won't be back on the air till Spring Training starts)...don't let the TV take away your outside fun time. The time you spend enjoying His creation... oh no--don't let it happen to YOU!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day # 10 Something you're afraid of.....
....gas grills used to scare me....I was afraid to light them. You should have seen me---torn between the excitement of surprising my husband with a grilled hamburger and the sheer fear of the grill exploding because I lit the entire gas tank and blew up the entire neighborhood. Our grill had a little hole underneath the "body" that you were supposed to stick the lit match in, and the grill would just light up. the second I stuck the match in I would turn around and run around the patio--just waiting for the BIG BOOM.....(it never happened..duh...) Instead..I would breathe a sigh of relief and put the meat on the fire!! ...I know, I know...I DID say I USED to be afraid of gas grills. The one we have now kinda/sorta lights itself up. I feel safer.....the whole neighborhood feels safer.
Truth is, when I wonder what I am afraid of I think of Psalms 56:11 and smile!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Day # 8 A place I've traveled to....
well, well, well......a place I have traveled to..a place I have traveled to...hmmmm... let's see....
I have been to lala land a few times...you know--that place where you can't exactly remember why you got there? Like standing in front of the opened refrigerator door, just staring into the cold space trying to remember WHY you opened the door???
Or, like walking down the hall and when finally reaching the end, not being able to remember which room to go into???
Or....like losing your train of thought, and having to go to lala land to retrieve it...(like I just did).
Yes, I am a well-traveled person. I have visited my share of foreign countries, (my share being ONE), various states on this mainland, and nooks and cranies you don't even want to know about---but still-by far--one of my favorite places is...lala land!! ';0)
I have been to lala land a few times...you know--that place where you can't exactly remember why you got there? Like standing in front of the opened refrigerator door, just staring into the cold space trying to remember WHY you opened the door???
Or, like walking down the hall and when finally reaching the end, not being able to remember which room to go into???
Or....like losing your train of thought, and having to go to lala land to retrieve it...(like I just did).
Yes, I am a well-traveled person. I have visited my share of foreign countries, (my share being ONE), various states on this mainland, and nooks and cranies you don't even want to know about---but still-by far--one of my favorite places is...lala land!! ';0)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day #7 Something you're glad you did this week
this week is just getting started:
I'm glad I'm a taking a day off this week. ....
I enjoy so much of what I do, I could name any thing and be glad about it... I am not as good a writer as my children, so this 'reading' is probably pretty boring...not so glad about THAT, but am very grateful for all around me-near and far.
I am going to be glad I went to bed early tonight.....sweet dreams!!
I'm glad I'm a taking a day off this week. ....
I enjoy so much of what I do, I could name any thing and be glad about it... I am not as good a writer as my children, so this 'reading' is probably pretty boring...not so glad about THAT, but am very grateful for all around me-near and far.
I am going to be glad I went to bed early tonight.....sweet dreams!!
Day #7 Favorite Movies
First of all, I can count on both hands how many times I have been 'out' to the movies in the last ten years....that is, if I can remember.
The top 5 favorite movies I have ever seen span a "more-than-10-year" period.
In no particular order, "Princess Bride", "The Sound of Music", "Dream Team", "Out of Africa", and "The Game" are the ones that rise to the top. I'll watch them all over and over again, if I have ironing to do, or some other "must-do" item that I can do while taking in a movie. I'm sure on any given day, this list could change...but in this moment, that's the list.
The top 5 favorite movies I have ever seen span a "more-than-10-year" period.
In no particular order, "Princess Bride", "The Sound of Music", "Dream Team", "Out of Africa", and "The Game" are the ones that rise to the top. I'll watch them all over and over again, if I have ironing to do, or some other "must-do" item that I can do while taking in a movie. I'm sure on any given day, this list could change...but in this moment, that's the list.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Day 6b What are you reading?
Today (and everyday I am able), The Bible, specifically, today, some of Ezekiel, Hebrews, Proverbs and Psalms.
tomorrow, I'll add "Cross Talk" by Dr, Mike Emlet. It should be arriving in the mail!!
Good night all!!
tomorrow, I'll add "Cross Talk" by Dr, Mike Emlet. It should be arriving in the mail!!
Good night all!!
Day #6 A Picture of something that makes me happy......
WHOA...I don't have time for all those pictures...even if I COULD get a photo to post. I am a happy person, even looking at a blade of grass makes me happy...(means I am outside, in good weather!!)
So, by now you see that a photo DID actually post--only took about 5 minutes, so this is an exercise in patience--which ALSO makes me happy.
Should I explain WHY the above photo made me happy? It is my hard-working hubby laying pipe so we can get water from the well to any of the spigots he set up. He is the smartest man I know when it comes to getting anything done. He finds out the right way to do it, and just does it. Better than a "NIKE" commercial...he just does it. He can fix anything from broken sprinkler heads to electrical circuits--NEW ones--which scares me to death. I always say "You be careful with that electricity stuff--it is NOTHING to play with." I KNOW he isn't going to re-wire the ceiling fan with the 'lectricity' going...still scares me though.
Just being on the farm, working our butts off really makes me happy. Laying over 700 linear feet of PVC in the red Georgia clay was a real work out...we were really happy that day!! ;0)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Day # 5 Turns out there ARE two lists..........
One was sent to me, apparently to prove to me she was using a list.....but then again, she always uses lists, so I should have never doubted. (BTW--she always completes her lists too....I only make a list to see if I can remember where I left it!!)
OK--so--day #5 topic is...dun du du dah....
I have two-both younger-one male-one female.
My brother would give me the shirt off his back if I needed it. I have seen his generosity in HUGE ways, none of which HE has told me about. When you read about things people do for others, and a verse something like...Matthew 6:3 comes to mind, I think of my brother. It's not at all like MY left and right hand not knowing what they are doing, because, they usually really don't know what they are doing....My brother is more scriptural about it than I.
My sister is one of my heroes. She is the bravest one of the three of us, I think. She has never been afraid of anything that I can remember.....maybe she is just a better actress than me. I do remember a VERY long time ago (when she was in the 5th grade) she was already able to take care of herself. She had long hair that my mother would braid every morning before school. There were some bold classmates of hers who would try to touch her hair because it really was pretty ...and soft...anyway she kept tellig them that if they did not STOP touching her hair, she would hit them with her purse. Little did they know her cloth purse had an empty mustard jar in it, and it did'nt take but one "whack up side the head" before my sister's class mates took her very seriously. She is brave...I would never have done that. I would have cried. IN E WA....
Some folks have a whole bunch of siblings, some have none. ...well, not REALLY none, because if you are Christian, you have lots of brothers and sisters!! I really like His plan!! ;0)
OK--so--day #5 topic is...dun du du dah....
I have two-both younger-one male-one female.
My brother would give me the shirt off his back if I needed it. I have seen his generosity in HUGE ways, none of which HE has told me about. When you read about things people do for others, and a verse something like...Matthew 6:3 comes to mind, I think of my brother. It's not at all like MY left and right hand not knowing what they are doing, because, they usually really don't know what they are doing....My brother is more scriptural about it than I.
My sister is one of my heroes. She is the bravest one of the three of us, I think. She has never been afraid of anything that I can remember.....maybe she is just a better actress than me. I do remember a VERY long time ago (when she was in the 5th grade) she was already able to take care of herself. She had long hair that my mother would braid every morning before school. There were some bold classmates of hers who would try to touch her hair because it really was pretty ...and soft...anyway she kept tellig them that if they did not STOP touching her hair, she would hit them with her purse. Little did they know her cloth purse had an empty mustard jar in it, and it did'nt take but one "whack up side the head" before my sister's class mates took her very seriously. She is brave...I would never have done that. I would have cried. IN E WA....
Some folks have a whole bunch of siblings, some have none. ...well, not REALLY none, because if you are Christian, you have lots of brothers and sisters!! I really like His plan!! ;0)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Day #4 whatev....so I did a crazy thing...
OK so this "post-a-day" challenge apparently doesn't have as many rules as I thought. I see two very special people taking part in this challenge, both with different topics.....I thought the rules were the same for everybody. I am going to make up (or borrow) posts from now on...
I did a crazy thing....last night I opened the bid at a "live" auction, because no one was saying a word...no one wanted the 'prize'. I just thought everyone was being shy, but leave it to me to "help" things along a bit with an opening bid...at a live auction...
As it turns out, the opening bid and closing bid ended up being the same bid..
So here I am with an item I don't need. Don't even ask. YOu'll know soon enough!!
I did a crazy thing....last night I opened the bid at a "live" auction, because no one was saying a word...no one wanted the 'prize'. I just thought everyone was being shy, but leave it to me to "help" things along a bit with an opening bid...at a live auction...
As it turns out, the opening bid and closing bid ended up being the same bid..
So here I am with an item I don't need. Don't even ask. YOu'll know soon enough!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day #3 first love
I am trying hard to think of the first time I knew I loved....a dog named "Repeat", perhaps...am thankful love has repeated itself in many ways through out the years!!
(barely sneaked day 3 under the wire--going to sleep now!!
Happy birthday to my first born....love you so very much!!)
(barely sneaked day 3 under the wire--going to sleep now!!
Happy birthday to my first born....love you so very much!!)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day #2..."Meaning behind Your blog name"
simple....my initials are KMB, and I am a beekeeper..so my blog name is "K Bee"..simple....;0)
oh...the blog NAME..."Honey Bee Haven"..well, it is fairly generic, and I have learned there are several blogs with the same name... I intended this blog to be a 'sort of' journal for my beekeeping experiences. I haven't really kept up with it THAT much, but it's nice to know it is here...
oh...the blog NAME..."Honey Bee Haven"..well, it is fairly generic, and I have learned there are several blogs with the same name... I intended this blog to be a 'sort of' journal for my beekeeping experiences. I haven't really kept up with it THAT much, but it's nice to know it is here...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
competitive spirit!!
I have taken the challenge up to post every day on this blog, for 30 days...
First introduce myself: KMB, follower of the Christ; a wife, a mom, Nona.... a lover AND a fighter...all in the right situations.....
Next, I am supposed to post a recent picture (can't seem to upload ANY photos right now) and list 15 interesting facts:
1. The banana nut bread I just took out of the oven has NO nuts in it.
2. I don't always follow recipes to the "T".
3. I am so very fascinated by the phases of the moon (it's about 13% full tonight, and waning).
4. I am able to find "good" in any situation I find myself in.
5. The fact that 75% of the 'facts' I have just posted, begin with "I" is unsettling for me.
6. The banana bread smells really good right now!!
7. There are 4 clocks in my house with the Westminster chimes all singing 'eleven' o'clock presently..love the differing tones.
8. I should be in the bed sleeping right now (I have a very broad view of what is "interesting"!!)
9. I have loved the game of baseball for as long as I can remember.
10. I have 2 hives of Italian bees, and hope to bee keeping them for a long time.
11. I own at least 5 harmonicas, and enjoy playing them.
12. I still miss Dixie Bell, who was not even *technically* my dog. (thanks DB)
13. I just completed a quilt, and have another one started.
14. I have learned that sometimes, things left unsaid are louder than things spoken.
15. I know that in the end, everything will be OK, and if it NOT OK, it is not the end.
..that banana bread really is smelling ....g o o d ...
First introduce myself: KMB, follower of the Christ; a wife, a mom, Nona.... a lover AND a fighter...all in the right situations.....
Next, I am supposed to post a recent picture (can't seem to upload ANY photos right now) and list 15 interesting facts:
1. The banana nut bread I just took out of the oven has NO nuts in it.
2. I don't always follow recipes to the "T".
3. I am so very fascinated by the phases of the moon (it's about 13% full tonight, and waning).
4. I am able to find "good" in any situation I find myself in.
5. The fact that 75% of the 'facts' I have just posted, begin with "I" is unsettling for me.
6. The banana bread smells really good right now!!
7. There are 4 clocks in my house with the Westminster chimes all singing 'eleven' o'clock presently..love the differing tones.
8. I should be in the bed sleeping right now (I have a very broad view of what is "interesting"!!)
9. I have loved the game of baseball for as long as I can remember.
10. I have 2 hives of Italian bees, and hope to bee keeping them for a long time.
11. I own at least 5 harmonicas, and enjoy playing them.
12. I still miss Dixie Bell, who was not even *technically* my dog. (thanks DB)
13. I just completed a quilt, and have another one started.
14. I have learned that sometimes, things left unsaid are louder than things spoken.
15. I know that in the end, everything will be OK, and if it NOT OK, it is not the end.
..that banana bread really is smelling ....g o o d ...
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