Monday, November 22, 2010

Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmm Good!!

Day # 1: What does your house smell like, right this second?


My house smells like cornbread right now and I can almost taste sweet creamery butter dripping out of the corner of my mouth. I just took the 10" iron skillet filled with cornbread out of the oven, and the aroma of what will be dressing in a few days is mmmmm mmmm good!!
I don't get to slather it in butter, but it surely would be good...

The recipe for my cornbread dressing comes from an old acquaintance back at Campus View Church of Christ in is never the same from year to year--I ususally do 'a little something different'. Right NOW though, the aroma of the cornbread has never been better.

I will resist the urge to sneak a piece before I get the coffee-maker ready for the morning..when a new favorite fragrance fills the kitchen, and sends me out the door to the job I love...good night!

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